Diversity and RESPECT
At NOEA we have started working to address the inherent lack of diversity in the industry. We have appointed a dedicated council member to work on Diversity and Equality, part of this role has been to work with the BVEP working group on Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion to address issues across the entire events industry, not just outdoor events.
We launched the RESPECT campaign in 2019 in conjunction with the Equalities and Human Rights Commission to reduce sexual harassment in the hospitality industry. The plan was to test run it in 2020 and then to widen the reach to cover all harassment. We are still developing it and we urge all members to sign up for when we can re-open. Harassment in all forms is unacceptable and NOEA wants to support our members to stamp this out.
If you are interested in helping with the campaign to increase representation for everyone at all levels please get in touch.
“We have been glued to your information bulletins.”
“I’m sure all your members are thankful for your assistance in these trying times.”
“… the daily emails summarising the position, especially related to events, are very useful indeed …”
“NOEA has been absolutely fantastic in your support for all of us.”
“… had to drop you a line to say how amazing your communications have been …”
“You are doing an AMAZING job supporting members”
“Keep ’em coming … NOEA’s proactivity on this topic is much appreciated!”
“You guys are doing an amazing job of supporting the industry – you were out there first and are such a key resource!”
“Thank you for all your information and updates.”
“Thank you for your time and commitment keeping us updated about the effects of the pandemic on the events industry.”