The NOEA 2024 Convention & Awards
26th November 2024

For further details explore “previous conventions” under the Annual Convention tab.

The National Outdoor Events Association’s Annual Convention returns in 2024. Join us at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Bath to hear the latest news from event professionals, delivering talks and debates on current topics and issues within the outdoor events industry. After an informative day, meet us at the Roman Baths & Pump Rooms for the Awards Presentations & Dinner followed by live music and dancing.

Venue for day convention – DoubleTree by Hilton

Evening awards at Pump Rooms and Roman Baths


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Our Speakers

See details of this years speakers.

Premium Partners

Details of this years sponsors

Award Sponsors

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Convention Programme

Details about the convention

“From the earliest days of GL’s support for NOEA as their first Futures Sponsor, their passion for outdoor events and their care for the minutiae of event management shines through. The NOEA Convention and Awards continues to be the “go to” event whether you’re a first time organiser or an old timer and we are delighted to continue to support them”

GL Events